Site Council
Site councils are established at each school to collaborate with the principal on how to advance student learning through strong shared planning, communication and problem solving. The curriculum programs are primarily handled by the district, not individual schools.
Site Council provides a forum for the district, principal, staff and parents to discuss concerns and events that affect student learning. Site Council’s job is to enhance student learning by supporting the school’s Continuous Improvement Plan and also work on updating school rules and other matters that affect the learning environment at Clark.
Site Council is comprised of the principal, staff, parents and community representatives. An annual meeting calendar is established at the beginning of the year. All parents and community members are welcome to attend.
Clark Site Council Application
Clark Elementary Mission Statement: Through the joy of learning, Clark Elementary honors all children and inspires them to reach their full potential.
Clark Collective Commitment: Safe, Kind, Productive
Clark Site Council is a shared decision making committee comprised of parents and staff representing the Clark community. Its purpose is to ensure full representation of this community in decisions and policies that impact our common goal of improved student learning.
Site Council Meeting Minutes
Dec. 7, 2020
Site Council Notes 12/7/2020
- Introduction of members
- Christy Otley- Principal
- Laycie Rader- Assistant Principal
- Emily Serblin- Primary rep
- Megan Soden- Specialists rep
- Devon Maccio- Intermediate rep (Maria Murray substituting)
- Amber Thomas- PTA rep
- Eleanor Robinson-Parent rep
- Navneet Suman- Parent rep
- Jenn Jamieson- Parent rep
- Note taking → Emily Serblin and Megan Soden
- Roles of Site Council
- Site Council is an advisory group → takes community, parent, admin and teacher views into account to provide suggestions and goal setting for Clark.
- School improvement plan: Literacy goal: 80% of students at standard with a focus on students who receive Special Education services
- School improvement plan focuses include:
- Engagement for online learning
- Current data-students meeting literacy standards
- First grade- 54% of students below or approaching standard
- Second grade- 61% of students below or approaching standard
- Third grade- 37% of students below or approaching standard
- Fourth grade- 28% of students below or approaching standard
- Fifth grade-42% of students below or approaching standard
- Metric for School return: 5% or below of percentage of positive COVID tests
- Family survey going out to families
- Community Questions:
- Question: How are other schools fairing academically with virtual learning and academic trends?
- Some schools are fairing well.
- Success and growth influenced by the disparity of resources impacting families served by different schools
- Question: What are ways to support students at Clark?
- Protentional ideas/suggestions
- Reading logs
- High school volunteers
- BASC literacy intervention
- Volunteers (consideration of legal ramifications of breakout rooms)
- Current supports available
- Individual daily schedules
- Laptops and tech support available through ISD
- Tools and books distributed to families
- Timers
- Headphones
- Para supports
- Partnerships between classes and students (Buddy Classes)
- Protentional ideas/suggestions
- Additional supports at Clark
- 2 teachers field testing emergent phonics and reading curriculum
- Heggerty for emergent reading skills K-2
- District reallocating Title resources
- Clark currently receives 3.5 FTE → will move to 4 FTE next year
- District response program to dyslexia to roll out fall 2021
- Special Services and TLS supports
- Outside consultant available for Clark staff training in PBSES
- Building in Social Emotional focuses
- Outside consultant available for Clark staff training in PBSES
- CCIS plan → Elementary School Sanctions placed
- Supporting schools where disproportionate numbers of SpEd students are students of color
- Clark does not have disproportionate numbers. IHS has disproportionate numbers. Feeder schools are targeted for additional supports
- Supporting schools where disproportionate numbers of SpEd students are students of color
- Question: How are other schools fairing academically with virtual learning and academic trends?
- PTA update
- Low turnout at meetings
- Struggling → want to support student’s with reading but are unable to
- Potential parent volunteers tired from supporting their children at home
- Events to build community → Zoom events?
- Would there be turnout? Interest? Feasible?
- Spirit wear events
- Author visits?
- Recently completed projects
- Staff handbook revamped
- Food celebrations updated for nutrition policies
- Updated parent handbook
- Recently completed projects
- COVID Mitigation Plan
- Plan in place
- Powerpoints and videos will go home to K-1 families to preteach expectations before they return in person
- Will be sent out to 2-3 prior to returning
- Individual supplies prepped for K-1
- To do/Upcoming:
- Send out electronic bylaws
- Consider new goals or ideas to send to Christy Otley for Site Council to advise/consider this year
- Document will go out to Site Council members for feedback about upcoming School Improvement Plan
- Next Meeting-Feb. 8
Apr. 27, 2020
April 27th, 2020
Attendees via Zoom: Otley, Foryan, Merritt, Ferguson, Serblin, Gacayan, Scott, Ms. Jenn Leme, Ms. Kate Bick, Mr. Ed Connery, Mr. Neveet Simmon
- Approval of Minutes – approved with one fix. Our newest parent rep has a child in 1st grade and one coming to kinder- 2nd was listed incorrectly
- Who will take minutes this meeting – Abby Ferguson (with help from Patti Foryan- Thanks Patti!)
- New Business
- ENL Feedback from parents –
- Nice to have clear expectations
- A little confusing if teachers using different modes to communicate
- Seesaw has a learning curve, but once figured out, very clear and easy for parents and students
- Appreciate work teachers have put in
- Staff has been quick to respond to emails and address concerns
- Year End Report Card – We will work in teams on a shared document to update for OSPI; Parent members of this committee will read after revisions made and give feedback;
Team will finish section noted and send to Christy by May 7th- Welcome – Emily/Abby
- Highlights – Emily/Abby
- Improving Student Achieving – Patti/Alex
- Special Programs – Laura/Megan
- Before/After School – Christy
- What’s New – Not Assigned
- LAP/TITLE Report –
- Laura shared about funding for Title & LAP (Language Assistance Program). Funding is year to year based on two factors: number of students receiving free/reduced lunch and test scores. LAP funds must be used towards literacy.
- Megan shared how students qualify: Rank order based on several testing scores
- Laura shared data around the new Kindergarten Jump Start Clark did this year. Kindergarteners were identified via the kindergarten screener. 21 students qualified and were served for 4 weeks. All made growth! 13 of these also were at or above grade level in March when tested!
- All Title/LAP students (60 students) have made growth! 5 exited the program because they are reading at or above grade level! 20 students made 1 or more years of growth this year!
- Megan also shared about the models used
-Direct instruction 4-5 days a week with Reading Club and Lexia
-3 days a week plus Lexia
-Lexia only (5 of these kiddos made it to grade level by March!) - Building Plan provided for review- check in with Megan or Laura with questions
- Related Topic- Summer School
- Pre-K summer school is canceled for now
- Waiting to hear regarding other grade levels
- ENL Feedback from parents –
- Committee Reports
- PTSA Report
- General Membership Meeting tonight (April 27th) via zoom
- Plan to fill board positions for next year
- Discuss fundraisers moving forward
- Ideas for remote staff appreciation
- PTSA Report
- Old Business
- Device Communication – Will add language to staff/student handbook language specifically around watches: texting & taking pictures
- Will add to preexisting section on phones
- Focus on safety
- Abby will look at this and make revisions then bring back to Site Council
- Device Communication – Will add language to staff/student handbook language specifically around watches: texting & taking pictures
- Misc. Business
- Community Questions
- How will we distribute items left at school? Working on a plan to best accommodate families, coming soon
- 5th grade promotion? Need to wait for further direction from state regarding requirements before we can make any decisions/plans
- Laptop and/or Hotspot Access? How is this going? Many distributed; using all available laptops in all schools; turnaround time is about 4-5 days; at one point over 200 laptops were going out a day
- Staff Support – Are teachers feeling supportive by families/students? Upper elementary: communication picking up now with ENLs, was a learning curve & is settling; Primary: Zoom meetings are driving engagement, a lot of parent involvement with learning activities at K, have gotten positive feedback albeit families indicate they are getting a lot of info via email…
- Site Council Reps – will need to think about replacing those leaving as their children move to middle school
- Community Questions
Next meeting:
End of year report card revision, new members, & look over proposed addition to the handbook
Feb. 10, 2020
Site Council Minutes
February 10th 2020 from 8-9 in Clark’s Library
In attendance: Megan Soden, Abby Ferguson, Emily Serblin, Navneet Suman, Jenn Jamieson and Christy Otley
Introductions & Review of Agenda
Minutes to be taken by Abby Ferguson
New Business
- New Members Navneet and Jenn introduced themselves
- Navneet is a parent of a 3rd Grader
- Jenn is parent of a 5th Grader and upcoming 2020-2021 Kindergartener
- Instructional Goals for the year
- SIP (School Improvement Plan)
- goal to have 85 % meet standard
- gap goal in LRC is to have 15% more meet standard
- Focus on early intervention especially in Title and Kindergarten
- Focusing volunteers on this early intervention as well…
- Grades 3,4,5 are doing IAB in the classroom to prep for the SBA
- Letter from Christy will also go out to encourage at home practice for the SBA as the time gets closer
- Christy will share our goals and plan with the School Board
- Celebration & Food for Celebrations Plan
- Form for this shared with the staff
- Clark Kitchen Scratch Cooking Pilot
- April will be participating in this pilot for making lunches from scratch
- 7 recipes on the lunch menu will be piloted
- Snack Plan
- $2000 budget from ISF
- Eastridge Church agreed to donate Cheeze-Its and Goldfish (instead of Nutrigrain Bars) for the remainder of the year
- Looking into other ways to receive donations
- Abby to check with friend at Costco Corporate regarding possible donations
- Continued conversation with PTA about donations too
- Devices Conversation
- Continuing conversation around parents and students using phones and watches throughout the day to communicate with each other instead of communicating through office and/or teachers
- Looking for input from parent community regarding the reason behind watches and phones with students instead of communicating through the school- Should we do a poll of some sort?
- Christy to check in with other principals and schools about their communication around watches and phones at school
- Parent Reps to check in with their friendship groups about:
- If students have phones and/or watches
- What the purpose of these are for families
- SIP (School Improvement Plan)
Committee Reports
- PTA Report – None at this meeting
Miscellaneous Business
- Community Questions – none received
To improve learning and teaching by:
- Providing a forum for improved collaboration on school-wide education decisions
- Creating a trusting environment that listens, communicates and responds to constituent needs
- Modeling the democratic process
- Enhancing the learning environment of students and the work environment of staff
- Addressing concerns of the learning community
- The Site Council should focus on matters directly related to the improvement of student learning such as
- Achievement data
- Effective transition of students to middle school
- Enrichment and remedial opportunities for students
- Clark’s School Improvement Plan (SIP) and local budget(s) to support it
- The Site Council should also focus on matters indirectly related to the mission, such as the following:
- School culture and learning climate
- Safety
- Deterrents to harassment; fair treatment for all
- Support for staff; and their working environment
- Concerns related to school rules and student discipline
- Planning for and improvement of school facilities
- Understanding the district, building and other funding sources
- Review and support of policies and programs such as: Title I Reading, SIP, ELL, Grants, and Building Policies
- Establish, sustain, and review Site Council documents
Meetings will be held regularly during the school year at a day, place and time determined by the council.
An agenda will be prepared by the facilitator in consultation with the membership. Items must be submitted to the facilitator the Thursday before each meeting so agenda can be communicated in advance. The agenda will be delivered to all members of the council at least three days in advance of the meeting.
Record Keeping
The designated Recorder will keep minutes of all meeting. A copy of the minutes will be provided to each member for approval or corrections. A copy of the approved minutes will be posted on the school website. Additionally, minutes will be posted within the school.
- Meeting notification and topics will be included in Clark Bulletin when appropriate
- Scheduled meetings will be posted
- Public input is welcome at the beginning of each meeting (10 min total, 2 min per person)
- Representatives’ contact information will be posted for constituents
- Minutes will be posted electronically
- Brainstorming
- Clarification and Discussion (Time frame established)
- All voices are heard
- All concerns are addressed
- The facilitator has the right to put time limits on discussions
- The facilitator may call a vote to either make a decision, extend discussion, or postpone a decision
- Decision
- Consensus is the goal
- When the question is called, 60% of all members present carries
- Any individual member has the right to ask for a quorum vote on high impact decisions. A quorum is defined as 60% of the membership
- If necessary, special sessions may be convened
- In the case of a tie or split vote, the principal will cast the deciding vote