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Upcoming Events

Please mark your calendar with these important dates! 

  • 10/14-11/1 PTA Read a Thon
  • 10/18 NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day
  • 10/25 PTA Trunk or Treat 6:00PM
  • 10/28 Vision and Hearing Screening
  • 10/28-11/1 Spirit Week
  • 10/29 School Picture Retake Day
General Announcement

Our lost and found is overflowing, take a moment to stop by Clark to check for any items that may belong to your child.   Please remind your child to check the lost and found for forgotten coats, hats, lunch boxes and water bottles.  Items left after the last day of school will be donated to a local charity

Message From

Hello Clark families!

My name is Eve Yen your new Assistant Principal.  With almost 6 weeks of school complete, I am incredibly thankful for the warm welcome I have received from the entire Clark community. 


We are excited to welcome parent/family/caregiver volunteers to help play games and initiate activities with students during recess.


Bond 2024

Parents, guardians and community members are invited to an information session about the 2024 School Modernization and Construction Bond. The session will be from 7-8 p.m. on Monday, October 21 in the library at Issaquah Middle School. Administrators will offer a brief presentation of facts about the bond measure, which is on the Nov. 5 ballot. Then, administrators and members of the School Board will be available to answer questions about the bond.

Bond 2024

In this video, teachers and a student discuss how overcrowded classrooms, limited lab space, and outdated facilities impact students' learning experiences. From enhancing mental health spaces to expanding space for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, this bond would help fund flexible environments that support every student's unique path, whether college-bound or entering the workforce. 

upcoming events

The Special Services Department is seeking students to join the Special Services Student Advisory Group. As advisory group members, students will use their unique, personal experiences and perspectives to help shape our programs and improve Special Education programming in the Issaquah School District.

upcoming events

Calling all middle school students in the ISD: Join us for POMPOW 2024 on Nov. 9 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Pacific Cascade Middle School. POMPOW promises a day filled with fun and laughter as youth develop leadership skills, work on team building and create new connections. Learn about becoming change-makers in the areas of substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion.