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School Spirit

When do we show school spirit?

Every Wednesday and Friday!

What do we wear?

Wednesdays—we wear either school logo wear or our school colors: blue, grey, and white.
Fridays-we celebrate Seahawk Blue Friday or wear your favorite sports gear

How do we get spirit wear?

Our PTA sells spirit wear a couple of times each year. Information can be found on their website.

Clark Shark Song

Hey now, you’re a Clark Shark – get your book out – go read
Hey now, you’re a Clark Shark – help people in need
All that learning is gold
C’mon Clark Sharks – Dive in

Somebody once told me that Clark is gonna show me
How to fill the brains in my head
Clark Sharks are really cool so dive into our school
And you’ll find that you are always ahead.

Well, the years start coming and they don’t stop coming
Ready to learn and you hit the ground running
Doesn’t make sense not to live to learn
Help others first it will be your turn.

So much to do, so much to see – so go out and get it done
You’ll never know if you don’t go
You’ll never shine if you don’t glow.

Hey now, you’re a Clark Shark – get your book out – go read
Hey now, you’re a Clark Shark – help people in need
All that learning is gold
C’mon Clark Sharks – Dive in and take hold.

All that learning is gold
C’mon Clark Sharks – Dive in and take hold.


The mascot at Clark Elementary is the shark!

Clark Elementary Logo - icon only